
Selamat Datang di Blog Saya, Semoga Informasi yang ada di dalam blog ini dapat bermanfaat bagi Anda. Terima kasih Atas Kunjungan Anda

Jumat, 06 April 2018

Happy B' Day my Wife

Selamat Ulang Tahun Buat Istri ku terkasih.
Aku tidak punya kado istimewa untuk diberikan ke padamu. Tapi Aku punya doa untukmu, Doa terbaikku selalu kupanjatkan untukmu. 
Happy B"day My Wife

 "Tuhan memberkati engkau
dan melindungi engkau.
Tuhan menyinari engkau dengan wajahNya
dan memberi engkau kasih karunia
Tuhan menghadapkan wajahNya kepadamu
dan memberi engkau damai sejahtera"
(Bilangan 6:24-26)

Sebuah Lagu  untukmu. Klik this


Kamis, 05 April 2018

My Favorite Song

Ini adalah lagu kesukaan Saya. Silahkan anda mencoba mendengarkannya, dan mari kita bernyanyi bersama. (Untuk mendengarkannya klik Tautan berikut). Light House Family

When you're close to tears remember
Someday it'll all be over
One day we're gonna get so high
Though it's darker than December
What's ahead is a different colour
One day we're gonna get so high
And at the end of the day remember the days
When we were close to the end
And wonder how we made it through the night
At the end of the day
Remember the way
We stayed so close to the end
We'll remember it was me and you
Cause we are gonna be
Forever, you and me
You will
Always keep it flying high in the sky
Of love
Don't you think it's time you started
Doing what we always wanted
One day we're gonna get so high
Cause even the impossible
Is easy when we got each other
One day we're gonna get so high
And at the end of the day remember the days
When we were close to the end
And wonder how we made it through the night
At the end of the day
Remember the way
We stayed so close to the end
We'll remember it was me and you
Cause we are gonna be
Forever, you and me
You will
Always keep it flying high in the sky
Of love
Cause we are gonna be
Forever, you and me
You will
Always keep it flying high in the sky
Of love
And at the end of the day remember the days
When we were close to the end
And wonder how we made it through the night
At the end of the day
Remember the way
We stayed so close to the end
We'll remember it was me and you
Cause we are gonna be
Forever, you and me
You will
Always keep it flying high in the sky
Of love
Cause we are gonna be
Forever, you and me
You will
Always keep it flying high in the sky
Of love
Cause we are gonna be
Forever, you and me
You will
Always keep it flying high in the sky
Of love
Cause we are gonna be
Forever, you and me
You will
Always keep it flying high in the sky
Of love...

Came back Again.

Senin, 02 Maret 2015


Apakah daun yang gugur dari pohon merasa dikalahkan oleh angin?

Apakah orang yang bertahun-tahun mempersiapkan diri mendaki gunung tertinggi merasa terkalahkan saat mendapati puncak gunung itu ternyata diselimuti awan gelap?

Apakah seorang pemuda yang ditolak lamarannya akan mengatakan cinta itu tak ada?

Apakah musim kemarau harus mempertahankan kekuasaaannya agar tak digantikan oleh musim hujan?

Apakah rumput harus menolak dimakan oleh rusa yang kemudian menjadi mangsa singa?

Itulah siklus alam. Tidak ada kekalahan atau kemenangan.

Yang ada hanyalah PERGERAKAN.

Jangan putus asa saat masa sulit.

Jangan terlena di saat kemenangan.

[Paulo Coelho]